Vertical render of a vase with six winged torches
Vază cu șase torțe înaripate


From The Motherland: an audio-visual sculpture​

Sculpture created using the audio analysis of a musical composition.

Visual composition with math and algorithms

    The visual composition above demonstrates the depth of my multidisciplinary approach. The design starts with the audio analysis of my musical composition From The Motherland and uses it to create a 3D-printed work. I then explain the process as a movie in a visual abstract of the work.

    Of the many design and production techniques I work with, no other is as satisfying as procedural design. Creating images with math and algorithms is beautiful because you can always remember how you got to the final product.

    The design can start as a defined concrete idea or as an exploration of a concept that you want to visualize. But when the design is complete, it is memorialized, and its features can be manipulated without changing the overall structure

    Procedural design is a relatively new medium, but I have used it in some of my largest-scale collaborations, such as Showing Up Together with Jill Dryer & Ditroēn Studios. Procedural Design has won me awards, and my procedural works appear in art galleries and magazines.


   This piece was a remix of a composition titled Twisted Tower by Ayoub Ahmad. The beautiful thing about procedural design is that you can see something and say how would I do that. While the design has similarities, we certainly got there in entirely different ways.

   Despite being a stock backplate, the composition rendered quite nicely and got the attention of people who are way better at rendering than I am. 

    Observica Elite Magazine in December 2023 featured  Minimalism, Brutalism, Gold.

Flocking Simulation in 3d design

   Showing Tp Together, the installation by Jill Dryer, was my first opportunity to use the skills I acquired during the pandemic using Rhino 3D + Grasshopper. Some say that you can make anything with Grasshopper, and this installation used a plugin that simulates aviary flight systems. Other Grasshopper plugins that include the element of time mimic slime mold growth and evolutionary processes in design. 

   Beyond the time-based system, Grasshopper allowed for an information system that created automated and streamlined

communication of the location of every crane in 3D space for the installation teams.
   For this installation, we explored different shapes as attractors for massing the flock. At the same time, the implementation of the previously mentioned time-based plugins creates more abstract visual compositions. The implementation can also illustrate the very processes from which the logic originates in the first place. I used the flocking simulation in this installation to generate organic massing of 350 18″ origami cranes.

Procedural design in your workflow.​

Send a message for more information on how procedural design can be incorporated into your product development, graphic, and 3D design language.

Procedural Spades

The design

This is a simple and elegant way to use spades to make a larger spade using the spade scale. The rows of spades inner lock, with one row pointing up while the next one points down..

Shaded for visibility

This print is the same as the one to the left, but the large base spades fill is on to pronounce the design. You may notice that the spades that point down start to look like hearts.

In-retail image

I changed the final design to only display spades in the up orientation. Notice that even in the spaces your eye perceives as black, there are still small spades if you zoom in.


Other Exceptional works

Paris Fashion Week
HVY Value-Added Packaging
No Vacancy Lounge
Court Vision
MTV Movie & TV Awards
Ken Griffey Tribute Wall